This time I don't have a picture - forgot my camera at home when we went for a walk. The weather was hot and sticky, so we went to one of Cologne's lakes which is called Fühlinger See. They did a lot ecology-wise to improve the area since we have been there last. So I was kind of surprised when we stopped at one of the little bays and saw - guess what - a turtle sitting on a tree in the sun, right next to a black duck (actually called a coot) breeding on her nest. I start to believe that turtles are not so rare in Germany anymore - as we kept walking there was another one sunbathing. And the whole thing was even topped by Nick spotting a beaver. No need to go to Greece - wildlife is all around. I need to say that this made me very happy to see people talking more care about nature even in the middle of the city.
Late Night with the Devil – Sinopsis Film 2023
1 month ago