Look at what I've got. New beads. I bought them at one of the only bead stores in Cologne, Le marche aux perles. It's a girl from Luxemburg, Paula Matos, that runs the store, hence the French sounding name, she has her main store over there. Her and her husband go to India pretty often, so they have a nice selection of metal beads - you can see that I am going crazy with those every time I go there (which I try not to do too often). It looks like my color scheme was brownish / dark yesterday - I always find it strange how I come up with one main color getting back from the store. Ok, I spent another small fortune in those. But can you see the pretty ones that will be created from here? What will it be? Wire wrapped? Macramee? Simply strung necklaces and bracelets? Check here on my blog later...
Late Night with the Devil – Sinopsis Film 2023
1 month ago